Gardasil Reactions and Deaths on the Rise
In May 2007, it
was reported that over 1,600 adverse reactions, including three deaths, had been
linked to Gardasil, Merck’s new vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV).
Among those
reactions, 371 were classified as serious, and, of the 42 women who received
the vaccine while pregnant, 18 experienced side effects including spontaneous
abortion and fetal abnormalities.
It appears those
reactions, and deaths, are steadily rising. A review of the National Vaccine
Information Center revealed the following statistic about this vaccine: 2,207
adverse reactions to Gardasil have been reported. Among them:
5 girls
31 were
considered life-threatening
§ 1,385 required a
visit to the emergency room
§ 451 of the girls
have not recovered as of July 2007
51 of
the girls were disabled
Gardasil “may be more dangerous than consumers have
been led to believe,” according to one public-interest group, and an
editorial in the New England Journal of Medicine has also raised questions
about the vaccine’s effectiveness.
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