vrijdag 17 augustus 2012

Is cardio gezond??? (Engels)

Lies, Damn Lies, and Cardio

I don’t do cardio – I hate cardio.

I hate what it does to my patients. It makes them worn out. It burns away their muscle. It trashes their immune system. It wears down their joints. It causes inflammation.
And that’s not all.
Through testing at my Wellness Research Foundation, I discovered that when you do a lot of cardio, it also shrinks your lungs. Then it slashes your heart’s pumping power. And makes your bones weaker. It even zaps your sex drive.
In other words, it makes you old before your time.
I tell all of my patients to stop doing it. And they immediately start to feel better, look better and have more energy.
We do Anti-Cardio instead.
It’s much easier. It’s much faster, too. And it can also lower your risk of heart disease 100 percent more than cardio can. I’ll tell you more about this in a moment, but first I want to show you why cardio is so damaging to your body.
I’m doing everything I can to spread the word that cardio is a lie.
A very dangerous lie that will ruin your health in the long term.
I’m about to show you why you don’t need cardio. So far 70,000 people all across the country are experiencing what I call the “Anti-Cardio Way of Life.”
And when you hear how it works, you’ll want to throw away your jogging shoes…

The Ugly Truth About Cardio

When I say “cardio,” I’m not talking about going for a brisk walk… spending a few minutes on an elliptical machine… or swimming a few laps.
“Cardio” is short for cardiovascular endurance training. It’s the idea that you have to raise your heart rate for a long duration – at least 20 minutes, and usually much more. It’s when you spend 45 minutes on a treadmill, or run for miles every day. Or take an hour-long aerobics class.
This kind of exercising to exhaustion is just not natural.
Your ancestors didn’t jog for miles at a time. They didn’t jump around for an hour doing aerobics. They had short bursts of activity – sprinting to catch food, or to avoid being food. That’s how they stayed lean and strong.
The concept of cardiovascular endurance exercise – like marathon running or aerobics – goes against how your body was built to move.
And it can hurt you in the long run.
What’s worse is the advice of today’s fitness “experts” who tell you to do cardio so that you can get into the “fat-melting zone.”
The trouble is, you don’t want to be in the fat-melting zone.
Every time you enter that zone, you’re programming your body to use fat for fuel. You’re sending a signal that you need fat.
And your body responds by storing it up so you’ll have fuel to burn.
Let me say that again…

Cardio Makes You Store Fat!

You see, it doesn’t matter how much fat you melt while running on the treadmill… or how many hours you spend at the gym… or whether you do one of those “insane” workout DVDs.
All that matters is what happens to your body when you stop.
When you finish a cardio workout, your body goes to work storing fat to fuel your next workout. That’s why those last few stubborn pounds never seem to come off by just doing more cardio.
The cardio is working against you.

woensdag 15 augustus 2012

Lijd je aan ijzerstapeling???

Are You Suffering from Iron Overload?

Iron is an essential mineral. You need it for life. For example, if you're too low in iron, you can develop iron deficiency anemia, which restricts the supply of life-giving oxygen to your cells. On the other hand, iron is a highly reactive mineral and when there's too much of it, tissue damage and inflammation can be the result. 

Several studies have reported a positive association between high body iron stores and the risk of PCOS and type 2 diabetes. 

Why might you have an iron overload? 

Iron absorption from your diet is controlled by a hormone called "hepcidin". The role of hepcidin is to make sure that you don't have too much iron floating around in your body. 

When you have plenty of iron, hepcidin increases to inhibit the absorption of iron. If you are deficient in iron, hepcidin decreases in order to allow increased absorption of iron. 

But in the case of PCOS, a Spanish research study has suggested that the high level of insulin resistance and high level of testosterone found in PCOS may depress hepcidin levels even if you already have enough iron. The result is that iron continues to be absorbed and builds up to excessive levels in the body. 

So if you have PCOS(or diabetes), don't take any iron supplements until you first check with your doctor. You may also wish to restrict foods rich in iron if you're are found to be suffering from iron overload. 

Excessive body storage of iron leads to increased inflammation and cell damage. This worsens your symptoms. 

Too much or too little iron is a problem that should be corrected. It would be wise to ask your doctor to check your iron status with the appropriate lab tests. 

By the way, if your visit our online supplements store, you'll notice that our multi-vitamin/mineral does not contain any iron. We don't have any iron in it because your hepcidin hormone may not be working properly. 

woensdag 8 augustus 2012

Huilende baby's krijgen soms maagzuurremmers toegediend!!!

Dear Reader, 
Last week, I told you how the mainstream finally appears to be catching on to the dangers of heartburn drugs – proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) – which rack up an estimated 43 million prescriptions a year, in the UK alone...Now it looks like I may have to swallow my words... because this 'adult drug' that can leaveyou with a long list of health problems, including heart disease, is now being prescribed to infants.

That's right, if your baby cries for hours and the constant stream of dribble and spitting up that comes with the territory becomes too much, your paediatrician may attempt to "solve" the problem with PPIs.

Just a bit of spit
Our regular readers will know that we've reported on the use of PPIs in infants before. However, it's worth mentioning again… especially since the latest research has found that the side effects of these drugs can include infections, cancer, heart disease and a dangerous deficiency of some vital minerals and vitamins that can lead to bone fractures, muscle spasms (tetany), irregular heartbeat (arrhythmias), and convulsions (seizures).
No one in his or her right mind would want to inflict any of these side effects on a developing baby, right?

So, the question is: How did we get to this point?

According to a leading paediatric gastroenterologist from San Francisco, Dr. Eric Hassall, when unexplained crying leads to spitting up, doctors are quick to jump to an acid reflux diagnosis... and yet there is no research to support the use of such powerful drugs in infants.
I mean let's be honest, what's really happening here is that infants are being medicated for something that is perfectly normal. Any parent will tell you that it's normal for babies to start crying when they have a bit of wind... and as we all know, once you wind them there's almost always a bit of... how shall I put it... spillage? It's certainly NOT acid reflux, just a bit of spit!
So much for "science-based" drug use!
And guess what, Dr. Hassal and me, are not the only ones frowning upon this misguided practice... A Queensland doctor, in Australia, who has been crusading against the overuse of PPIs for crying infants, has recently warned that this treatment is unwarranted and potentially harmful.
Dr Pamela Douglas, who led a recent British Medical Journal (BMJ) review on excessive crying in newborns, said expert consensus held that gastro-oesophophageal reflux was not to blame.
Nor was there any evidence that PPIs were better than placebo in reducing crying, despite being commonly prescribed for this indication. She added that the unnecessary use of PPIs could increase the risk of lower respiratory tract infection, and possibly food allergies. She said: "We really shouldn't be using PPIs in these babies. I think there's an element of hoping that there might be a quick fix."
I couldn't have put it better, Dr. Douglas.

The message for today is short and to the point: If you know anyone with a brand new baby, share this alert with them. They'll have a much better chance of calming a crying baby with swaddling combined with a vacuum cleaner's white noise than with any stomach acid drug. Now it looks like I may have to swallow my words... because this 'adult drug' that can leaveyou with a long list of health problems, including heart disease, is now being prescribed to infants.That's right, if your baby cries for hours and the constant stream of dribble and spitting up that comes with the territory becomes too much, your paediatrician may attempt to "solve" the problem with PPIs.

dinsdag 7 augustus 2012

Nog meer waarschuwingen voor Gardasil

Lees het hele artikel


Prolactin Hormone
Prolactin is a hormone that is secreted by both men and women. It is released by your pituitary gland, an organ responsible for regulating many of your body' functions, including reproduction. The pituitary gland is a small, bean-shaped organ located in the middle of your brain. Your pituitary gland releases prolactin on a daily basis, both in the morning and throughout the night. Certain activities like sexual intercourse and exercise also cause your pituitary gland to release prolactin.
Hormones Regulating Prolactin
Prolactin is actually regulated by other hormones that your body produces. These include:
dopamine (which blocks prolactin)
serotonin ( which triggers prolactin release)
thyroid-producing hormone (which also triggers prolactin)
What Does Prolactin Do?
In women, the role of prolactin is fairly clear: it is released in order to stimulate milk production during pregnancy. Prolactin causes the mammary glands in a woman's breasts to enlarge, and upon birth, prolactin encourages the formation of milk. Unfortunately, it is unclear what role prolactin plays in men. However, it is evident that prolactin and infertility are linked.
Effects on Male Fertility
Like prolactin infertility in women, prolactin can also affect male fertility. In fact, if you have too much prolactin in your blood stream it can cause you to become infertile. High prolactin levels have an adverse affect on the function of your testicles, and can cause decreased testosterone levels or abnormal sperm. This can cause serious problems when it comes time to conceive. Normal prolactin levels in men are typically less than 15 ng/mL. Elevated prolactin may indicate a condition called hyperprolactinemia, and this could account for your fertility difficulties.
You can be diagnosed with hyperprolactinemia when you have more than 15 ng/mL of prolactin in your bloodstream. Symptoms of excess prolactin are often internal and difficult to see. Symptoms can include:
decreased sperm count
hypogonadism (in which your testes do not produce the right amounts of testosterone)
decreased sex drive
If you have hyperprolactinemia, you will probably show few outward signs, making diagnosis difficult. However, some men with the condition do develop gynecomastia, a condition in which the breasts enlarge and look similar to a woman”s. This is a often a sign of high levels of prolactin.
Causes of High Prolactic Levels
Elevated prolactin levels in men are usually the result of overactive prolactin cells in the pituitary gland.
These cells begin to grow into a tumor, called a prolactinoma, on your pituitary gland. Prolactinomas secrete prolactin hormone, and, as a result, can lead to extremely high levels of the hormone in your body. Prolactinomas in men are often larger than in women, mostly because the symptoms of the disorder are more difficult to recognize in men. In fact, prolactinomas can grow up to 5 cm in width and, if untreated, can leave you permanently infertile.
Symptoms of prolactinoma include:
sexual dysfunction
loss of sex drive
decrease in body hair
headaches or vision loss (as the tumor presses against the optic nerve in your brain)
Other Causes
Occasionally, other factors may play a role in elevating your prolactin levels. These include:
prescription medications (like antidepressants and opiates)
thyroid disease
Treatment for Prolactin Irregularities
If you have hyperprolactinemia that is affecting your fertility, there are treatments available to you. Speak with your health care provider about your options.
Dopamine-producing medication: these medications can lower prolactin levels and shrink prolactinomas. They often restore fertility.
Surgery: surgery is sometimes used to reduce the size of a prolactinoma.

Astma en Hormonen bij Vrouwen

Astma en Hormonen bij Vrouwen
Uit de John R. Lee, M.D. Medical Letter, 2001
Vraag: Ik ben 32 jaar oud en heb astma gehad sinds mijn kinderjaren. Ik gebruik puffers om het onder controle te houden, maar het wordt vaak erger tegen de tijd dat ik moet gaan menstrueren. Ik ben vaak met astma aanvallen op de eerste hulp terecht gekomen en ik ben bang om iets te doen dat het ze erger kan maken. Ik zou graag progesteroncrème willen proberen voor mijn PMS, maar ik wil er zeker van kunnen zijn dat dit mijn astma niet erger zal maken.
A: Ik heb veel brieven van vrouwen ontvangen die mij vertellen dat hun premenstruele astma opgeklaard is nadat ze met bio-identieke progesteroncrème begonnen waren. Ik heb ook brieven van postmenopauzale vrouwen die rapporteren dat hun astma en allergieën opgeklaard zijn nadat hun hormonen in balans gebracht waren. Lees het boek: "Menopauze. Alles wat je dokter je niet vertelt" voor gedetailleerde informatie over het gebruik van progesteroncreme.
Een uitstekende studie over premenstrueel astma en hormonen die uit Australië komt keek naar 51 vrouwen met astma. 47% Van hen had voortdurend symptomen, 41.2% had premenstrueel astma, en 11.8% had in het midden van de cyclus een verslechtering van de expiratoire piekflow (PEF) en andere symptomen. De wetenschappers maten hormoonlevels en ontdekten dat de grootte van de val in progesteron vanaf 7 tot 2 dagen voor de menstruatie, premenstruele spanning en leeftijd 89.2% van de veranderlijkheid in premenstruele astmasymptomenscores verklaarden met de progesteroningrediënt als de belangrijkste bepalende factor. In andere woorden, lage progesteronlevels correleren sterk met astmasymptomen.
Ongelukkigerwijs concludeerden de wetenschappers dat het antwoord op deze informatie het verhogen van astmamedicatie voor de menstruatie zou moeten zijn. Wanneer zij fysiologische doses  progesteroncrème zouden gebruiken om te vervangen wat de eierstokken niet produceren dan zouden ze een veel beter succes hebben in het behandelen van dit probleem!
2009 Update over Astma en Hormonen bij Vrouwen door Virginia Hopkins
Sinds Dr. Lee bovenstaand antwoord schreef in 2001 is er zelfs nog meer goed onderzoek geweest dat zijn advies ondersteunt.
Voor de puberteit komt astma meer voor bij mannen, maar na de puberteit komt het meer voor bij vrouwen hetgeen onze eerste indicator is voor de connectie tussen oestrogeen en astma. We weten ook dat astma erger wordt gedurende de 5 tot 10 dagen voor de menstruatie bij vrouwen die cyclusgerelateerd astma hebben. Dit gebeurt wanneer vrouwen normaal progesteron produceren, maar ovariumdisfunctie is deze dagen epidemisch onder jonge vrouwen en velen produceren weinig to geen progesteron gedurende deze fase van hun menstruele cyclus hetgeen oestrogeen dominantie veroorzaakt. Jonge vrouwen met astma hebben ook eerder onregelmatige menstruaties. Meer dan 10 jaar geleden zette Dr. Lee astma als een van de symptomen van oestrogeen dominantie op zijn lijst. Als vrouwen ouder worden sterven er meer aan astma dan mannen. Na de menopauze is het percentage vrouwen met astma dichterbij dat van mannen.
Astma en Oestrogeenvervanging
Een grote Harvard studie van 2004 die in de Archives of Internal Medicine gepubliceerd werd liet zien dat postmenopauzale vrouwen die oestrogeenvervanging gebruikten meer dan twee keer zo vaak astma ontwikkelden dan zulke vrouwen die het hormoon niet namen. Bij vrouwen die oestrogeen met een progestin namen waren de resultaten waren hetzelfde als bij vrouwen die alleen oestrogeen namen.
Astma en Anticonceptiepillen
Een studie uit Noorwegen van 2009 ontdekte dat vrouwen tussen de 25 en 44 die orale anticonceptiemiddelen gebruikten bijna 50% meer kans op astma hadden dan vrouwen die ze niet gebruikten. Deze ontdekkingen waren van toepassing op vrouwen die een normaal of overgewicht hadden, maar niet op slanke vrouwen. De meeste orale anticonceptiemiddelen bevatten synthetische oestrogenen en progestins die de normale productie van hormonen in de ovaria onderdrukken. De synthetische hormonen hebben andere effecten op het lichaam dan de natuurlijke hormonen die de ovaria zelf produceren.
We weten ook dat de gebruikelijke inhalers die normaal gebruikt worden om astma onder controle te houden dit erger kunnen maken bij vrouwen die premenstrueel en postmenopauzaal astma hebben. Dit komt waarschijnlijk omdat de inhalers synthetische corticosteroïden bevatten die de receptoren voor progesteron bezetten en zo de werking van progesteron blokkeren waardoor er nog meer oestrogeen dominatie ontstaat.
Het onderzoek naar oestrogeen en astma is tegenstrijdig gebleken omdat studies die luchtwegvernauwing en flow meten laten zien dat oestrogeen de luchtwegen meer open houdt gedurende een astma-aanval. Dit is te danken aan het bekende effect van oestrogeen om stikstofmonoxide te verhogen hetgeen helpt de luchtweg open en meer ontspannen te houden. Omdat oestrogeen ook pro-inflammatoir is komt er een moment dat een teveel aan oestrogeen dit voordeel teniet doet.
Het onderzoek over progesteron en astma is vertroebeld omdat er veel gedaan is met de synthetische progestins, maar dit onderscheid werd niet gemaakt.
Progestins maken astma vaak erger.
De conclusie is dat onze hormonen als een concert werken het is de moeite waard om naar een balans toe te werken om te helpen astma onder controle te brengen.
Als je hier meer over wilt weten dan kun je naar dit forum komen:
Barr RG, Wentowski CC, Grodstein F et al, "Prospective study of postmenopausal hormone use and newly diagnosed asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease," Arch Intern Med 2004 Feb 23;164(4):379-86.
Lim RH, "Sexual Tension in the Airways: The Puzzling Duality of Estrogen in Asthma," American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology Vol. 38, pp. 499-500, 2008.
Macsali F, Real FG, Omenaas ER, "Oral contraception, body mass index, and asthma: a cross-sectional Nordic-Baltic population survey," J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009 Feb;123(2):391-7.
Ravelo RL, Rodríguez GB, Collazo AJJ et al, "Comparative study of progesterone, estradiol and cortisol concentrations in asthmatic and non-asthmatic women," Allergol Immunopathol (Madr) 1988;16:263-266.
Salam MT, Wenten M, Gilliland FD, "Endogenous and exogenous sex steroid hormones and asthma and wheeze in young women," J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006; 117(5):1001.
Troisi RJ, Speizer FE, Willett WC et al, "Menopause, postmenopausal estrogen preparations, and the risk of adult-onset asthma: a prospective cohort study," Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1995;152:1183-1188.
Vrieze A, Postma DS, Kerstjens HA, "Perimenstrual asthma: a syndrome without known cause or cure," J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2003;112:271-282.

Engels schoolmeisje sterft na vaccinatie tegen baarmoederhalskanker

Tributes to 14-year-old schoolgirl who died after being given cervical cancer jab

Friends paid tribute to Natalie Morton, the 14-year-old schoolgirl who died shortly after being given the cervical cancer vaccine.


Natalie was one of four classmates who suffered side-effects at Blue Coat CofE School in Coventry after receiving the vaccine as part of the national immunisation programme.
She was subsequently taken to Coventry’s University Hospital where she died on Monday afternoon.
Charmaine Dunn-Myria, 15, who was in the same year as Natalie, said: "There was panic around the school when we found out what happened. Girls were in tears in the corridors and everyone was in shock.
"I had my jab today as well and I was really worried about it and that something was going to happen to me.
"They never told us that there was any danger in these jabs. I didn’t know you could get sick or die from them.
"The school gave everyone a letter telling us about Natalie and the three other girls. I am just really scared about what will happen to them. I can’t believe this has happened."
Tributes were already being posted last night on social networking website Facebook. A group titled ‘Natalie Morton – Forever in our hearts’ already had more than 200 members.
One friend, Suzie Grace Gee, wrote: "What a lovely girl. Always had a smile on her face! It’s such a shock to everyone, and it’s going to be odd not seeing her every Sunday at church. She will forever be missed, and my thoughts and prayers are with the family. She’s with Jesus now! Rest in peace."
Another, Hannah Howard, wrote: "We had the best times at church and at the clubs we went to. I have like grown up with you. You are with god now and I hope and pray he will be there for you loking [sic] after you. I hope to see you again one day".
In a letter to parents, Dr Julie Roberts, the school’s headteacher said during the immunisation "an unfortunate incident occurred and one of the girls suffered a rare, but extreme reaction to the vaccine.
"A number of other girls also reported being unwell and some were sent home.
"If your daughter has received a vaccine today we ask that you are extra vigilant regarding any signs or symptoms."
The HPV virus is a sexually transmitted infection that causes up to seven in 10 cervical cancer cases. If any link were proved between the 14-year-old’s death and the jab it is thought it would be the first since the nationwide vaccination commenced last year.
The Cervarix vaccine is being distributed to all schoolgirls aged 12 and over as part of the national campaign, which began last year. By 2011 all girls under 18 will have been offered the jab. Ministers say the scheme will ultimately save 700 lives a year. Around 1.4 million doses have been administered in Britain so far.
But since April last year the MHRA has received more than 2,000 reports of suspected reactions to the vaccine, including 409 related to anaphylactic shock, which can be rapidly fatal.
There are two cervical cancer vaccines license, Cervarix, made by GlaxoSmithKline, and Gardasil, made by Merck.
Many other European countries are using Gardasil because of the additional protection it offers against four strains of HPV instead of two.